Lariece Brown
OSU Mathematics | BS | 1997
About Lariece Brown
"Mathematics exposed possibilities I didn't even know existed."
- Lariece Brown -
B.A., Wittenberg University 1995
M.A., Mathematics, The Ohio State University 1997
PhD, Economics, The Ohio State University 2006
Cleveland, OhioCurrent Occupation:
Senior EconomistProfessional Interests:
Housing and Economic Research; Economic InequalityHobbies:
Family Activities; Walking; Music
My Math Story
An undergraduate mentor gave me a position tutoring in the university's tutoring center because she liked how I explained and understood mathematics although my standardized test scores were not considered high enough for a math major.
I was interested in pursuing a graduate degree that would allow me to teach and research in a university setting. The reputation and location at Ohio State we major draws.
My math degree made it easier to transition to the economics PhD program and pursue my passion in conducting relevant and actionable research to support more access to fair and affordable lending programs.
My background has allowed me to support our equitable housing initiatives. In a prior position I was able to use quantitative methods to identify unfair lending practices and support restitution payments to affected consumers.