Hervey Abotsi

Hervey Abotsi

OSU Mathematics | BS | 2008

About Hervey Abotsi


"Math isn't easy, but it's worth it."

- Hervey Abotsi -


  • Université de Lome (2 years in Engineering program) 2002-2004

  • Columbus State Community College (transfer program) 2005-2006

  • B.S. Mathematics, The Ohio State University 2008

Lome, Togo

Current Occupation:

Professional Interests:
Insurance; Finance; Risk Management

Gardening; Sports; History; Geography; Economics

My Math Story

I can't think of specific experiences, but I have always been fascinated by the elegance of mathematical proofs. It was natural for me to pursue the subject because even though it didn't always come easy, there was a certain beauty mathematics it that I couldn't ignore.

Starting out as an actuarial science major, I switched to a pure math major because I was seeking a stronger theoretical grounding in mathematics.

The mathematical grounding I acquired helped me be successful on the more math-heavy actuarial exams.

During College:

Being able to successfully complete real analysis and abstract algebra simultaneously despite advice suggesting that it would be too challenging.


After College:

Professionally - becoming a credentialed actuary (Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society) and leading a team of actuaries for a Fortune 100 insurance company.

Personally: Meeting my wife and starting a family with her.