Highlighted Outreach and Programming
In July of 2022 our team did a professional development workshop for around 50 Central Ohio Teachers sponsored by the Ohio History Connection. We showcased resources that would be available on our project website.
In the picture below you see two short worksheets on Black math alumni (Thyrsa Frazier Svager left and William McWorter, Jr. right) help up by our own Ranthony Edmonds (PI) and Monica Delgada (Math Outreach).

Learn more about the hidden stories of Black math alumni from The Ohio State University. You’ll find inspiration in their determination to achieve their goals and have fun exploring their mathematical ideas through hands-on activities. There will be board games, paper dragons, knot puzzles, and more! Each session we will focus on a different story. Sessions are not sequential, so you can attend whichever ones you are able to.
Our team led six Hidden Figures workshops for Middle Schoolers in 2022 and our most recent workshop was in March 2023. In each 90 minute workshop we discuss a Black math alumni from Ohio State, and then do tactile activities with students inspired by the scholarship of the alumni featured.
Our next workshop will be in April 2023. Click here to learn more about our past workshop series in April 2022.

In March of 2022 our PI, Ranthony Edmonds, was honored to give a keynote presentation at the Ohio Section Meeting for the Mathematical Association of America hosted at Xavier University.
She presented on some of the scholarship of Dr. William McWorter, the first Black person to earn a PhD in mathematics from The Ohio State University. Click here to see a newsletter from the conference.

Our project was featured in a Social Justice Showcase at Ohio State University sponsored by the Global Arts + Humanities Discover Theme at The Ohio State University on December 2, 2021.
The Global Arts and Humanities “Social Justice Showcase highlighted the Global Arts + Humanities’ commitment to research and creative practices, experiential learning and community partnerships that address historical struggles for racial justice and equity. The program included presentations by recipients of our Matching Grants (offered in collaboration with the ODI/OR Seed grants for Racial Justice) and Race, Ethnicity and Social Justice Grants, as well as spoken word and dance performances” (from the Global Arts and Humanities Website).
Our lead, Dr. Ranthony A.C. Edmonds (PI), gave a detailed presentation on our project at the Social Justice Showcase. To read more, visit https://globalartsandhumanities.osu.edu/2021-showcase.

Potential Outreach and Programming
With the lack of diversity in mathematics students may be discouraged from pursuing math degrees. Our goal is to introduce diverse perspectives of Black Mathematicians with a panel of Ohio State Alumni. Through a Q and A discussion the audience will be able to directly engage with the panelist to gain a different perspective about black figures in mathematics.
Total Duration: 1 hour
Led by Team members and volunteers and speakers
- Presentation (15- 20 min)
- Introduce the team
- Brief introduction of research, goals
- Introduce the panel (3-5)
- Panel consists of Professors, PhD Ohio Alumni Mathematicians
- Panel Discussion (20 min)
- Team will formulate board diaspora of questions
- Audience Discussion (15 min)
- Open floor to audience questions, experience, and opinions
The underrepresentation of black figures in STEM may lead to imposter syndrome which can cause students to be discouraged and overwhelmed. Our focus is to create a space where black students can engage in impactful conversations and are provided the necessary resources for success. Students will share their experiences in STEM at Ohio State University through a round table discussion, where they develop skills and resources to overcome negativity and imposter syndrome in the STEM field.
Total Duration: 1 hour
Led by Team members and volunteers
- Presentation (15- 20 min)
- Introduce the team
- Brief introduction of research, goals
- Round table discussion (20 min)
Sample Idea(s): Each table has different questions, participants move tables and discuss for 5-10 minutes about their experience with the given prompt
- Open floor discussion (10 min)
After table discussions are over, general questions will be proposed to initiate group conversation
Introduce one of our k-12 lesson plans and ask about their experience with table questions
Sample Goals:
- Provide resources and tricks to overcome imposter syndrome and advice on being black in the stem (15 min)
- Promote research and provide links and QR codes to access information